Monday, December 25, 2017

Persistent Advertising - Will It Ever Stop?

Ads are everywhere and are directed at you. Opt out? Think again. 

As advertisements become more common everywhere: on phones, tablets, Facebook, Google, you name it, we become less attentive and brainwashed into a consumer society. Targeted ads, saturated ads, holiday ads, app ads, ads on your lock screen, ads on your urinals, ads ads ads.

Could you consciously count how many you're forced to lay eyes on in a day?

Take a look at your screen now, or your phone. how many ads are in your face. Did you even realize they were there? Have you just become complacent in the never ending psi-ops for your consumer dollar compliance?

"Well, yeah but i can x them out!", You say. How many times do you do that a day without thinking of it. How long does the video take to skip, or for you to wade through the flying, in-your-face, begging, nagging visuals yearning for a click. That's time spent doing other things instead of mumbling at your phone to stop the peddling of random wares.


Is that app really free? Find out now with this one weird trick. Why are free apps not free? Ads! Shocker! Did you know you're being solicited right now, personally tuned to your phone usage, just using a phone? You are Google's product. Every phone user is a ripened fruit for Google's harvest. Do you know when someone is advertising? Solicitation bombing you every click. Spam assaulting you every refresh. Hard to notice sometimes. Engaging, flashing, whirling entertainment in the media distract and deliver. Very subtle.

Good advertising is a boon to marketing, sure. It's a necessary evil. We all gotta' eat. Why did Facebook and Google fail so hard at it? They sold out, that's why. Smaller company networks have to push things hard to get noticed. Hence, annoying. Big brand adverts are more natural, pleasing to behold, and very adept in subconscious propaganda. No incentive exists at the big companies to mask their dominance of marketing. These corporations will exist forever and plop ads in your face until you're 90. Your great grand-kids will parrot their slogans mindlessly as have generations for eons. Have a Coke!

 Hard to avoid advertising when it becomes that ubiquitous. Corporate shills, paid reviews, slogans, marketing saturation. A scourge of our era. Google Glass isn't supposed to display ads neither are smart watches? But for how long? When Augmented Reality becomes mainstream and virtual reality devices are common there will exist a new, terrifying, ever-present delivery medium. We have already lost the war. Signing off now, I have to go install adblock on my eye augments. 

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