Sunday, May 19, 2024


 sound being generate d by a 3d printer makes music. a spinning colorwqheel can show reabsorbant waves traveling through medium, air, solid as an interface to the waveshape transferrance. modulated waves calculated from statistical controls of all independent interactors: propagated wave frequency, spacial origin, light ref

if a simple rules system with only a 1d level of informational transliterations, a changing ca ruleset with a perfectly matching model of a standard pattern is a simple rules base to explain more complex phenomena in realspace.

start by mapping an on state to a utterance trigger. i. e. off = no sound. an on state makes sound. 

from ascii text map pattern evolution states to midi notes. uvw coordination of the translation of sound frequency, amplitude, interference collisions-neighborhood cells N dimensional affects the ca next state with more interferences, with that being only 1 variable to crosslink its analouge in a CA ruleset tessalation to sound waves, and a shared relational link to cymetic patterns.

 (why isnt there a notible effect of non-interference with sound? 1 directional)

 to the position 

  there is a superposition principle in a gol tileset. when a piece in on a board (1), if there were another gameboard above and unseen(as a tileset gamestate perspective is inferred 3d, top down view. the gamepeice, even when not active (Off) can be thought of residing on that unseen board above it, which to the 2d tile, is wholly disconnected from the other layered gameboards by nature of its dimension. would interpreting a 3d space with 3 tilesets, offset at 90 degrees, resemble an object in our space? both yes and no. no in the fact that at any specific angle relative to the hidden dimension experienced in a flat world, that non-measurable axis would be paradoxically thin- as to be invisible to 3d observers. even impossibly flat in our universe still has a sliver of depth. 

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