Monday, December 25, 2017

How Would People from the Past Interpret Technology Today?

How bizzare would it seem from their perspective? Random thoughts on modern devices that have revolutionized the recent past.

My dad passed away when i was young. I often wish he could have seen the amazing technological developments that have occurred since his passing. Growing up in Las Vegas, all the slots back then were coin operated. You couldn't hear anything but the "Tink Tink" of coins. Plastic buckets. Everywhere. For the tokens of course. Coins evolved into tokens, tokens turned into simple paper receipts. "Comps" were personal and owners respected their player's patronage. Now patronage is measured by a machine ticking points for each dollar.

Computers fit in pockets. I'm still amazed by that actually. I love my android device. I try to cram as much function in this old gingerbread because of how impressive technology really is. I remember computer desktops larger than the desk they're supposed to go on. Talk to text would look like magic not long ago. Or space exploration. In less than 100 years we went from powered flight to landing on the moon. Funny how star trek tech mostly all exists today except for space travel and weird transporter stuff. Wish you were here, Dad.

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