Monday, December 25, 2017

Service Apps are the Future, but will the economy survive it?

A few lines of code can turn an institution into nothing.

With technological progress we eliminate man-made labor. Jobs are lost, corporations adapt or falter. (Blockbuster, anyone?) Uber single handedly ravaged an entire sector of the economy. When trains, subways, buses, and taxis stop making money, who would risk running a non profitable transport business?

When will be the next app like Uber? Amazon predicts pretty soon.

Drones are beginning to threaten a service mainstay: Shipping. With Amazon's delivery drones pioneering this market, it's only a matter of time before the mailman goes the way of the milkman. We can be sure our dogs will hate the new mail carriers all the same, so at least some tradition of the post office will remain.

Will technologies that replace humans help, or hurt the economy? I'm sure this question mired the peoples of the industrial revolution. That was definitely a historical net-positive transformation of industry. Still, many feared then that the removal of entire populations of workers from labor would cause irreversible damage to society. They were wrong, of course, so is this current Industrial Revolution 2.0 speculating just fear mongering? Only history will tell.

One thing's for sure, mankind is due to become much more lazy and complacent with machines taking care of most menial tasks.

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